Tagged! from Lady Nass

Dicatat oleh : »-((¯'-_||KaLiSpELUrU||_-'¯))-» 16 Nov 2008
Follow this instruction:
1. named 5 candidates on your list.
2. ask them to complete this tag.

3. repost on their blog
4. write the title "what if your ex said this to you"

What if your ex said these to you???

1. Hi how are you?
- ok.

2. Hey! You wanna go to the mall?!
- Nope..

3. I LOVE U..
- Why...

4. DO u want some cookies?
- Nope.

5.Can you take me a picture?!?
- Pandai2 la tangkap sendiri!

6.Help me in my homework!
- aku malas ar..

7. Here's my gift to you...
- sebab ape plak nk bagi:pge46:

8. Let's just be textmates
- insyallah klau ade mase

9. Do you want me to buy you an ipod?
- x pe2...x payah susah2 nk belikan..

10.Let's sit together in the bus
- terima kasih je la..hehehe

11. Hi baby
- aikk..buang tebiat ape..wakakaka

12. Your still cute!
- ye ke..biase la..time kaseh..hehehe

13.I still LOVE you!
- sudah le..aku x akan percaya p0n:pge46:

14.Can I visit your house?
- jemput la..klau rase x malu

15.Do you love me?
- adehh..nie soklan ape plak...
huhu..banyaknye tag aku ni..ermm aku x tau la nk tag sape lagi kali nie...smue aku tengok dah kene..ermm biar la aku simpan dlu tag2 yg ade nie...klau ade mangsa yang sesuai aku akan letak namenya..o.k la tag aku pon dh selesai..pas nie boleh la aku ambik exam dengan tenang..wakakaka:pge46::pge46:..tak payah aku nak pikir pasal tag blog nie lagi... ok la semua..cukup la kat sini je...assalammualaikum wbt:pge46:

1 Responses to Tagged! from Lady Nass

  1. Ummu Adasha Says:
  2. huhuhuhu...
    wat gak kamo tag nih ek...
    bagus tol kene tag...hehehe
    bocor rahsia...
    kem salam awek lani k..huhu


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